
Meet the Team!

FTC Team 18225

Our mission is to promote STEM and FIRST within our community to help establish the next generation of innovators!


Coach Jason

I'm Coach Jason, a civil engineer and mechanical design mentor. I helped form and develop the team by providing strategic guidance. I work closely with our mechanical team with training and purchasing robot parts, and helping our team handle administrative tasks.

Coach Liangshou

I'm Liangshou Wu, and I work for Google. I have been a mentor/coach for FLL and FTC for 4 years. I enjoy working with students in various FIRST programs. Specifically in FTC 18225, I have been focusing on coaching programming and mentoring other FTC teams.

Coach Yinhai

I'm Dr. Yinhai Wang, a professor in transportation engineering and the founding director of the STAR Lab at the University of Washington (UW). I work directly with the team to come up with new ideas and ways to move the team into a great direction in mechanical and outreach.


Lani Cao

Patrick Tien

Shikha Jain

The Team

Albert Lu

I’m Albert, an 8th grader at Tyee Middle School. This is my fourth year in FIRST (2 in FLL and 2 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy playing the clarinet and existing. A fun fact about me is that I dislike caramel in any form.

Allen Wu


I'm Allen, a 10th grader at Newport High School. This is my fifth year in FIRST (2 in FLL and 3 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy competitive programming, playing tennis, and hanging out with my friends.

Andrew Pai

I'm Andrew, an 11th grader at Newport High School. This is my third year in FIRST (3 in FTC, 1 in FRC). In my free time, I enjoy playing chess or basketball with my friends.

Alexander Bonev

I'm Alex, a freshman at Newport High School. This is my second year in FIRST (2 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy skiing, hiking, and car spotting. A fun fact about me is that my dream car is a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STI.

Andy Tien

Mech Lead

I’m Andy, a 10th grader at Newport High School. This is my fourth year in FIRST (2 in FLL and 2 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy playing violin and soccer. A fun fact about me is that I like dinosaurs.

Calvin Zhang

I'm Calvin, an 8th grader at Odle Middle School. This is my first year of FIRST. In my free time, I enjoy playing piano and game development. A fun fact about me is that I like cheese.

Cynthia Lu

I'm Cynthia, a sophomore at Newport High School. This is my third year in FIRST (1 in FLL and 2 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy rifle shooting, watching kdramas, and baking. A fun fact about me is that I was born on the day of the Beijing Olympics!

Eesha Jain


I'm Eesha, a 11th grader at Interlake High School. This is my 7th year in FIRST (2 in FLL and 5 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy listening to music and spending time with friends. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy eating mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Ethan Lee

I'm Ethan, a freshman at Interlake High School. This is my first year in FIRST. I like playing piano, flute, and tennis in my free time. I also enjoy listening to music and reading. A fun fact about me is that I love foxes.

Eugene Li

I’m Eugene, a 10th grader at Newport High School. This is my fourth year in FIRST (1 in FLL and 3 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy playing piano and working on rocketry. A fun fact about me is that I don’t like dinosaurs.

Jeffrey Luo

I'm Jeffrey, a 9th grader at International School. This is my first year in FIRST. In my free time, I enjoy watching football, playing other sports, spending time with friends, and playing chess.

Julia Wang


I’m Julia, a senior at The Bush School. This is my fifth year in FIRST (1 in FLL and 4 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy painting, playing games with friends, or singing. A fun fact about me is that western pond turtles are my favorite animals!

Rohit Venkatesan

I'm Rohit, an 9th grader at Eastlake High School. This is my third year in FIRST (1 in FLL and 2 in FTC). In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing board games, and playing the piano and several precussion instruments.